A 6-week psycho-educational support group designed to help strengthen the bond between our youth and their caregiver.
A 6-week psycho-educational support group designed to help strengthen the bond between our youth and their caregiver.
For more information contact Eva Zupan at 732-202-1585 x141 or ezupan@oceanpartnership.org.
We are currently accepting referrals for any individuals identified IDD and in need of assistance applying for DD/DDD eligibility.
Click here to make a referral: https://hipaa.jotform.com/201945847077061
A boys social emotional learning group for ages 11-14 years old. The group is both FREE and CONFIDENTIAL. To register, fill out the OPC Youth Group Registration and Participation Consent Form and complete Questionnaire. A facilitator from Game Changers will reach out to you to verify registration information. For more information, see the flyer below. Folleto espanol
Connections is a group for youth between 10-21 years old with any Intellectual and/or Development Disability diagnosis. The group meets the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month from 5-6pm. The group focuses on relationship and social skill building, general social interactions, physical wellness, and emotional wellness.
To register your child and complete consents, please use the link below:
Please direct any inquiries to either Lead Facilitator:
Jess Pepe: 732-202-1585 ext. 130, jpepe@oceanpartnership.org
Kelly Joseph: 732-202-1585 ext. 230, kjoseph@oceanpartnership.org
Melinda Santiago, 732-202-1585, ext. 164, msantiago@oceanpartnership.org
Groups for girls ages 9-12 years old and 13-17 years old runs in the Spring and Fall. The groups are both FREE and CONFIDENTIAL fostering friendship, fun activities, and healthy self esteem. To register, fill out the OPC Youth Group Registration and Participation Consent Form and a Facilitator from Ocean Partnership Girls Empowerment Group will reach out to you to verify registration information.
Grupos para niñas de 9 a 12 años y de 13 a 17 años a partir del 25/10/2022 al 6/12/2022, los martes de 4:30 a 6 p.m. Los grupos son GRATUITOS y CONFIDENCIALES. que fomenta la amistad, actividades divertidas y una autoestima saludable. Para registrarse, complete el Formulario de consentimiento de participación y registro de grupos juveniles de OPC y un facilitador de Ocean Partnership Girls Empowerment Group se comunicará con usted para verificar la información de registro. Folleto espanol
Your Authentic Self “YAS” Support Group Informed Consent for Participation
PFLAG Jersey Shore collaborates with Ocean Partnership for Children (OPC) to provide the YAS, Too for children ages 8-12 & YAS, Teen for teens ages 13-18. YAS is hosted in partnership with PFLAG Jersey Shore and Ocean County Family Support Organization for parents and youth to receive support in a safe and welcoming environment. Youth will attend the “Your Authentic Self Group” while parents attend the PFLAG Jersey Shore Group simultaneously. For more information contact: info@pflagjerseyshore.org